Be sure to click the"certify" box and the “Submit Assignment" button before leaving the page.The Listening Journal will help you become more familiar with the diverse sounds of the jazz tradition, and will assist you in developing a detailed approach to what I call “active listening.” The critical listening skills that you develop in this assignment will also help you succeed on the concert report assignment, due later in the term.NOTE: this assignment is identical to Listening Journal 1. For each paragraph, you'll need to address all of the bullet points listed below.When you are ready to submit your assignment, click on the blue “Submit Assignment” button above, then copy & paste your work into the Text Entry box (you cannot upload a file). Write a separate paragraph for 8 different jazz songs/pieces that you listen to in a radio or streaming broadcast. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions. Use your personal experience, if it's relevant, to support or debate other students' posts. Why do you think they have a different perspective then you?

Read other students' posts and respond to at least two of them picked different agents of socialization. Read and respond to other students' posts. For example, can you think of situations where family and school, religion and family, or workplace and neighborhood might be affecting an individual in different and contradictory ways? In explaining the mechanisms of socialization, focus on your personal experiences. Pick two agents that might potentially contradict each other, and explain how they work. You have learned about different agents of socialization. Write a post answering following questions. Responses to at least two other students' posts Your participation in the discussion forum, including the following:

This discussion forum explores different agents that affect social behavior. Mutu Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM)sehingga peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkanĪjaran agama yang dianutnya, mengembangkan sikap jujur, peduli, dan bertanggungjawab, sertaĭapat mengembangankan kemampuan berpikir kritis, berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, berkreasi Menyajikan karya tulis tentang pentingnya menyiapkan generasi terencana untuk meningkatkan Reproduksi pada manusia dan pemberian ASI ekslusif dalam program keluarga berencana serta Melalui pembelajaran Problem Based Learning tentang menganalisis penerapan prinsip Untuk meningkatkan mutu Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Menyajikan karya tulis tentang pentingnya menyiapkan generasi terencana

Menganalisis penerapan prinsip reproduksi pada manusia dan pemberianĪSI ekslusif dalam program keluarga berencana sebagai upaya meningkatkan