Honestly, if your teenager freaks out about the jumpscares (especially Security Breach's jumpscares) I think they're kind of a wimp. The fanbase is way worse than the game it's self even. This game did creep me out at first but now I'm not bothered at all. People hardly look into it and just assume the worst. _-No, the only thing is people get murdered. Also, someone said there is r*ape in this game. UM HELLO HELLO HELLO, the age rating on this game is 12 and up. I've read a lot of reviews and some people are saying that whoever made this is trying to poison kids minds. Again fandom and lore do have that but the actually game has nothing of that expect for some very rare and vague secrets and a phone guy basically ur free tutorial who mentions things but most kids will have it go over their heads. So overall fun horror game no blood killing or anything of that in game. Its quite fun jumpscares can get you pretty good and if its to hard their are enough tutorials to crash ur computer/console so yeah oh and their is a 6th bonus night to keep u on ur toes and a 7th custom night to add to replay ability to make the game ur moneys worth. What can first feel easy can quickly turn difficult from conserving power to closing the door before the animatronics get to you you or your child will be stratigicly thinking before you know it. While the overal graphics may feel cheap the experience and scares are far from it. If ur not saying this game is by the devil well then this part is for you: ok this is a horror game like said in the first part so unless you hate horror and despise it check the game out its a survival horror type game about surviving five nights in a pizzaria as the night guard. Its not scott cawthons (creator) fault its yours if u let a kid play it. Bro parent reviews hurt my brain please stop blaming it on stuff that isnt the game so not the songs not the lore not the roblox games? This game is great if your 6 year old child cant handle a horror game why is he playing it.